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By Wounded Spirits Ministries, Inc.

Our Direction

Our goal is to develop a Christian post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) retreat in Upstate area in South Carolina. The Upstate is an outstanding region, known for their friendliness, healthcare, schools, colleges and employment. They currently boast the lowest unemployment numbers in the country. It is an excellent place for healed people to relocate, and if they choose, to pay forward their healing. Our retreat will house up to 100 people in comfortable, affordable facilities, and most importantly, a serene environment. We will have the ability to house individuals, couples, and even families, while they learn to cope with PTSD. We will have chapels, classrooms for instruction, meeting rooms for counseling, kitchens and dining rooms, and recreational areas, all designed to minister to those who are hurting, while showing them Christ’s love.

The Wounded Spirits Christian Retreat, known as Base Camp Hope, will also help hurting people experience Jesus using video, media tools, and groups that emphasize church affiliation and helping with community out reach. Every soul matters. The Lord’s light, as a message of hope, will beam daily from the retreat.

We at Wounded Spirits know the pain and suffering that those with PTSD are dealing with. They feel alone, isolated, thinking that there is no one that understands, and nothing that can help. 

But we know the opposite is true. Our trained and experienced counselors at Wounded Spirits, most of whom have overcome the struggles associated with PTSD themselves, stand ready to help. Through the hope that is found in Jesus Christ, and the principles found in the Bible, we are working to change the lives of those struggling with PTSD. 

As a Christian charity, Wounded Spirits Ministries works in communities across the country and around the world, through local churches, camps, and retreats. Our vision is to provide emotional and spiritual healing for those struggling with the effects of PTSD, and train leaders to deal with this debilitating disorder. 

Although our scope has been limited, we have already seen hundreds of lives changed for all of eternity, families restored, and lives put back together. God has shown us it is now time to expand our ministry by establishing this camp, and we are looking for those who will partner with us in prayer and financially.  Will you pray about joining us in ministering to those who are suffering?

Confident mature counselor looking at patient with post traumatic disorder

PTSD Facts

God gives Hope

I am certain that people who develop PTSD can find spiritual help. It is a good idea for all people who have had traumatic experiences to come and join a local PTSD Bible support group for help.

Why a retreat center?


Our History

The Lord providentially brought many diverse paths of life to a point of intersection, as He led different individuals to the same point of convincement that it was His will to open the Wounded Spirits Christian Retreat.  When Dr. Carragher surveyed the proposed land and site for the Retreat, he began earnestly praying and seeking God's guidance. At that point, he contacted men of good report to form a Christian organization. Almost immediately, a board was put together and the plot of land solidified. 

The board was brought together with Rev. Andy Sommers named as the first chairman, Rev. Peter Nugent, a former Fortune Five Hundred executive, as the Chief Financial Officer and a board of 7 more men were added. 

This board prayed, and with the Lord’s guidance put the foundation together. With your financial partnership, we move forward to reach the millions of Americans with PTSD.

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  • 574-400-5190

  • info@woundedspiritsministries.com