Would you help in Jesus’ Name?
Do you have a burden for what God is doing through the Wounded Spirits Ministries, Inc. to reach our heroes, those suffering with PTSD, and our communities? We want to invite you to partner with us and enjoy the blessings the Lord will give through this ministry. All donations are tax-exempt and you will receive a receipt for your taxes.
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The current opportunity is to fund our feasibility study. A successful project typically begins with a plan that provides all of the necessary information to minimize unforeseen obstacles during construction and the running of the retreat. This plan is crucial to the successful execution of a large-scale project and provides insight into what will be necessary for our successful launch, as well as to meet our project goals. We have begun the process of working with a professional fundraising group, which has raised hundreds of millions of dollars. Currently, we need to raise $10,000.00 more dollars to start the study.
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Why we give:
For Christians, the decision to give is not primarily financial in nature. It’s rooted in the nature of God, and our relationship with Him. John 3:16 tells us that “For God so loved the world, that He gave …” This declaration isn’t simply an evangelical promotional slogan or an effective witnessing tool. It’s a revelation of the heart of God and a summation of the meaning of the Christian life. If there’s one thing the New Testament teaches us, it’s that God is love, and that those of us who claim to believe in Him ought to love one another as He first loved us (1 John 4:8, 11). And the message of John 3:16 is that love gives.
This is the theological or spiritual basis for Christian giving. But how does it work itself out in the context of everyday life? On the practical level, we give because we know something. In Christ, we have realized three inescapable truths:
1. We belong to God
2. We have received much
3. Money matters
Let’s take a closer look at each of these important Biblical ideas and find out how they mold our motivation to give.
1. We Belong to God
In the First Letter to the church at Corinth, Paul questions them whether they knew or not that they were temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 4:19-20). Then he reminds us that we have been bought with a price. That price is the life and work of Jesus Christ! Everything we have and everything we are, is a gift from the Creator of our souls (1 Corinthians 4:7).
This is not to mention, that in a larger and more general sense – in a way that has implications, even for those who are not part of the family of faith – God is the Owner of everything that exists. Ultimately, it all belongs to Him. The Psalmists reminds us in Psalm 24 that “the earth is the Lords, and the fulness thereof…” God owns everything.
If God owns everything, it should be obvious that He alone has the prerogative to determine how it should be distributed and used. And if His purposes can be summed up in the single word “love,” we can safely assume that He intends His wealth to be applied to the task of blessing other people. Our role is to act as faithful stewards of the abundance He has poured out upon us by giving in accord with His will.
2. We Have Received Much
God’s grace toward us is abundant – excessively so. If we would simply stop and take stock of our blessings, we would quickly see how truly overwhelming the Lord’s generosity toward us is. This statement applies to believers in every condition and situation. The Bible reminds us that in Christ we have become heirs of God’s kingdom (James 2:5; Romans 8:17) and of the unlimited assets that pertain to it (1 Corinthians 3:23).
3. Money Matters
Finally, if we want to make sure that our giving is thoroughly Biblical in nature, there’s one last observation we’ll need to add to the other two. Although the generosity with which we express our response to God’s grace entails everything we are and everything we have – our mental, emotional, and spiritual assets as well as the physical – we dare not miss the point that the Lord is especially concerned about the way we use our material wealth. As Randy Alcorn points out in his book The Treasure Principle, 15% of everything Christ ever said relates to the topic of money and possessions – “more than His teachings on Heaven and hell combined.”
Why should this be so? Because the God of the Bible, unlike the gods of many other religious systems, attaches great value to the physical, material aspect of His creation. The physical world belongs to Him because He made it; and He made it in such a way that it declares His glory (Psalm 19:1) and reflects His invisible attributes (Romans 1:20). That’s why, at the end of the sixth day of Creation, He was able to look at everything He had accomplished and conclude that it was “it was very good” (Genesis 1:31).
All of this sounds good in theory, of course. But the joy of giving can’t begin to flow in our lives until we make a commitment to put these Scriptural principles into practice.
You can start with your unique talents and interests, and we will show you how to initiate an online campaign that will help hurting people and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
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